Well I had this long post written and hit a button and it wasn't the save or publish and lost it all! so, I guess I'll start again. It's been awhile since posting so here's the update. January has been busy and stressful. I've been working, and each shift I've worked, it's been quite busy. Twice in the last 2 weeks I stayed an extra 4 hours making for 12 hour instead of 8 hours shifts. It was good to have done so though especially since I gave last Saturday the 20th, away to a perdiem. I had tried to find someone to switch with but had no luck and I wanted the day off as it was Jenn's 18th birthday. She had a bunch of friends here Friday evening with 5 girls spending the night. And on Saturday evening, we had the bunch of relatives (I think there was around 35 total give or take) here to celebrate. Along with planning/preparing for the parties, I was studying for my STABLE certification class on the 18th. I'm happy to report though, I passed. STABLE is a way of stablizing sick newborns. It was a very good class. The certification is good for 2 years at which time I will need to recertify. Now I need to start writing my yearly self review and putting my tier application together. It's due to my nurse manager by mid-Feb. Work has been very busy on the shifts I've been working and I'm involved in some committees and councils and have had to go in to those meetings as well as taking my service excellence class this month. The service excellence class was 4 hours to start and then 6 weekly 1 hour classes after. I'm due to work nights tonight.....not my favorite shift to work, but mostly because of the way it disturbs my sleep patterns for the next week. Usually, I'm not able to sleep before going in at 11pm so by the time I'm getting home the next morning I'm usually awake for well over 24hours. While I'm usually falling asleep by 9:30-10 each night, I have to leave at 10 to head into work. Maybe it will be way quiet and no one in labor tonight and I'll get a phone call saying I can stay home on call.........that would be nice! I'm looking forward to this Sunday. On Saturday, I'm going to work on the tier application, but on Sunday it's Girl's Puzzle Day! This tradition started several years back. One Sunday afternoon, each late Jan/Feb/early Mar, my mother-in-law, her 3 girls, and myself get together. We put together (or at least attempt to) a 1000 piece puzzle. We bring along muchies and drinks and have a grand time. No men or children are allowed...okay, my father-in-law is often home, but he's usully out in his workshop and only comes by to sample a plate of the munchies. We usually have a yummy dessert too. The other big rule is what is said at the table stays at the table unless permission to share is granted. We have some GREAT conversations and laugh a lot!!!!!!!!!! Male/husband bashing is totally permitted! Definitely looking forward to it. My mother-in-law has picked the puzzle all ready saying it's something a bit different than the kind we usually pick to do. I'll have to be sure to write about next week. TTFN
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